Learning about Local Life: Local Attractions Offer Educational Opportunities
Mar 09, 2022 10:31AM ● By ANN MARIE O’PHELAN
Southwest Florida offers an abundance of plants, animals, marine life, and birds with unique characteristics and habitats. Nature lovers can learn more about these local inhabitants and those that live beyond by visiting establishments dedicated to helping conserve, preserve, and celebrate life in many forms.

The new Welcome and Discovery Center at Lovers Key State Park offers exhibits that provide a look at the unique habitat, wildlife, and natural elements that can be found along the park’s shoreline. The exhibits also explore local barrier islands with their diversity of habitats, wildlife, and plants. Historical displays highlight the key inhabitants, activities, and important moments in the history of the area. The focus is on the importance of maintaining the local ecosystem. The park hosts concerts, discussions, lectures, and a children’s summer camp. “There are lots of fun and interesting things to see and do in this new space at Lovers Key State Park. Please stop in and see for yourself,” says Shelley-Sue Williams, director/media communications of the Friends of Lovers Key, a 501(c)3, state-sanctioned organization that directly supports the mission of Lovers Key.
Ann Marie O’Phelan is a Southwest Florida resident and a regular contributor to TOTI Media.
Lovers Key State Park
8700 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach
239-463-4588; floridastateparks.org/Lovers-Key; friendsofloverskey.org
Ostego Bay Foundation Marine Science Center
718 Fisherman’s Wharf, Fort Myers Beach
239-765-8101; ostegobay.org