Ten Ways to Make a Happy 2022: Yes, Happiness is Attainable
Jan 27, 2022 02:35PM ● By Daniela J. Jaeger
Well, here we are at the beginning of 2022. Have you started working on your resolutions for the New Year yet? Did you set goals that are attainable? I did, but many people probably think the main one is just pie-in-the-sky thinking. You see, I have determined to make 2022 a happy year, especially after witnessing so much unhappiness over the past two years.
What do you think? Is this doable? Can we purposefully make this New Year happier than the last one? Can we create happiness, or does it always depend on our circumstances?
It seems everyone is on the hunt for something they believe will make them happy. Money is usually the first item on the list. If only we had more money, we could be happy. Yet, we all know money isn’t really the answer. Chasing after it actually robs people of happiness, and once you have it, you realize how true it is that it can’t buy happiness. Certainly, it can buy more stuff, but material things can’t satisfy the desire for true happiness.
I’ve been there, and so have we all. Remember the excitement of getting the latest model of a tennis racket, new golf clubs, the hottest new mobile phone, or some other new toy? Wasn’t it a joy when we finally had it in our hands and experienced the magic of using it for the first time? Then there was the pride of showing it off to family and friends. We probably felt happy for a while, but shouldn’t happiness last longer than a few days, or for one season? The answer is yes. We all know it, but we tend to accept these fleeting moments of happiness when true happiness eludes us.
So, what to do? Is true happiness attainable? Sure, it is. But finding it requires a change in thinking and a little discipline too. We can teach ourselves that discipline by looking to sports as an example. According to RookieRoad.com, the Top 10 Rules of Sports are:
1. Respect your opponent.
2. Don't argue with the referee.
3. Listen to your coach.
4. Take health and safety seriously.
5. Be a team player.
6. Act mentally tough.
7. Enjoy the wins, and learn from the losses.
8. Strive to be great.
9. Have fun.
10. Be classy, and follow etiquette rules.
I believe that if we apply these rules to our everyday lives, we will experience more happiness.
Read through those 10 points a few times, and think about how to apply them to what you are going through right now. They make sense, don’t they? Behind them is the implication of living in the now. When you do that, you will be happier with yourself, and with what you have. You’ll find that whatever you set out to do can be done. Like a trained athlete, you can win because you’ve won before, and you know how to be a winner.
Speaking of happiness, you’ll find many interesting and happy stories in this current issue of your favorite magazine. Students with dreams of flight are finding happiness in a new program at Bonita Springs High School that prepares them for a career in aerospace. Read about their ambitions in Students Reach for the Sky on page 50.
As usual, there is something for everyone here, and we’re sure you’ll be inspired by the time you reach the last pages. We enjoy hearing from you, so reach out to us through our social media channels and let us know what you think.
On behalf of the entire TOTI Media team, I wish you and your loved ones a very prosperous and happy 2022!
Daniela J. Jaeger
Group Publisher, TOTI Media